It's easy to lose yourself post-holidays after endless hours with family and friends. Self-love is the perfect way to kick off the New Year as well as any day. We shared personal stories, we laughed, cried, and were there for each other. Body positive starts by embracing yourself as well as embracing others. Afterall, we are ALL beautiful. Take the time to love yourself. See what our GIRL CRUSHES had to say below.

Take hold of the new year and make it what YOU want. Want to read more? Below are a few articles great for kicking things off.
Thanks to all the participants: Shirley U.Jest, Kayran Abasali, Brittney Holguin, Jillian Mercado, Danae Muratore, Khrystyana K, and Katy Albright.
Extra thanks to the photographers/videographers: Marc Harris Miller, Steven Santiago, John Garcia, and host